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Hungry dogs will eat dirty puddings.
Hungry dogs will eat dirty puddings.

The walls have ears!
The walls have ears!

First things first
First things first

You are the boss!
You are the boss!

Dinner is on me.
Dinner is on me.

You want a bet?
You want a bet?

Do I have to?
Do I have to?

Know what I mean?
Know what I mean?

Just wait and see!
Just wait and see!

You asked for it!
You asked for it!

He always talks big!
He always talks big!

I watch my money!
I watch my money!

That makes no difference!
That makes no difference!

My stomach is growling.
My stomach is growling.

I just made it!
I just made it!

Do as i said
Do as i said

Get going!
Get going!

is now in season.
is now in season.

None of you keyhole.
None of you keyhole.

Get a move on!
Get a move on!

We have no way out.
We have no way out.

Boys will be boys!
Boys will be boys!

So far, so good!
So far, so good!

Put it in my hands.
Put it in my hands.

You have my word!
You have my word!

You ask for it!
You ask for it!

Are you by yourself?
Are you by yourself?

My mouth is watering!
My mouth is watering!

One boy is a boy; two boys half boy;three boys no boy.
One boy is a boy; two boys half boy;three boys no boy.

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