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普拉潘·尚凯(Prapan Chankaew)

泰国春武里(路透社)-当孩子们和其他观众唱歌来纪念她的55岁生日时,泰国最古老的河马梅里(Mae Mali)用各种各样的水果和蔬菜切成小块,以蛋糕的形式排列。

湄马里(Mae Mali)在泰国语中的意思是“茉莉花母亲”,两年前从曼谷的一家动物园搬到泰国东部的考觉开放动物园的一个院子里,已经超过了河马的典型预期寿命(约40至50岁) 。

动物园负责人Attaporn Srihayrun说:“ Mae Mali现在是一个奶奶。我们一直非常注意她的健康,食物和环境。”

湄马里(Mae Mali)诞生了许多小牛,她的后代现在居住在整个东南亚国家/地区的动物园中的河马数量为21。

Attaporn说:“ Mae Mali已经不再生育,因为她已经年纪大了。但是我们仍然会照顾她,使她能够成为世界上寿命最长的河马之一。”



据报道,另一只河马,Lucifer,或“ Lu”,今年1月在美国佛罗里达州的一个野生动物园庆祝了他的60岁生日。


世界野生动物基金会(World Wildlife Fund)估计,野外还剩下约115,000至130,000。

(Ed Davies撰写; Raissa Kasolowsky编辑)

CHONBURI, Thailand (Reuters) - As children and other spectators sang to mark her 55th birthday, Thailand's oldest hippopotamus Mae Mali chomped on an assortment of fruit and vegetables arranged in the shape of a cake.

Mae Mali, which means "Mother Jasmine" in Thai, who moved to a compound at Khao Kheow Open Zoo in eastern Thailand two years ago from a zoo in Bangkok, and has already outlived a hippo's typical life expectancy of around 40 to 50 years old.

"Mae Mali is now a grandma. We have been taking great care of her regarding her health, food, and environment," said zoo director Attaporn Srihayrun.

Mae Mali gave birth to numerous calves, and her descendants now number 21 hippos residing in zoos across the Southeast Asian country.

"Mae Mali cannot reproduce anymore because she's quite elderly. But we will still take great care of her so that she can become one of the longest living hippopotamus in the world," said Attaporn.

In the wild, the hippopotamus lives in rivers and lakes in sub-Saharan Africa and habitat loss means it's now considered vulnerable.

In the neighbouring Philippines, Bertha, considered to be the oldest hippopotamus in captivity at the time, died in 2017, aged 65.

Another hippopotamus, Lucifer, or "Lu", is reported to have celebrated his 60th birthday at a wildlife park in the U.S. state of Florida in January this year.

With adults weighing from 1,500 kilograms (3,304 lbs) up to 3,200 kilograms, the hippo is the second-heaviest land animal after the elephant, spending the heat of the day in the water and coming ashore at night to feed on grasses and fruit.

The World Wildlife Fund estimates there are around 115,000 to 130,000 left in the wild.

(Writing by Ed Davies; Editing by Raissa Kasolowsky)

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