日内瓦(美联社)-联合国气象机构表示,今年夏天将因在北极热浪,海冰萎缩和海啸的坍塌而在冰冻圈(地球的冰冻部位)中留下“深层伤口” 而下降。领先的加拿大冰架。
世界气象组织周二表示,北极地区的气温上升速度是全球平均水平的两倍,这激怒了女发言人克莱尔·努利斯(Clare Nullis)所说的“恶性循环”。
努利斯说:“我们今年在西伯利亚看到的情况异常恶劣,异常严重。” 她指出,一股热浪横越了北极,西伯利亚地区的野火破灭,海冰范围几乎达到了创纪录的低点,最后一个完好无损的加拿大冰架崩溃了。
世界气象组织的声明说:“ 2020年的夏天将在冰冻圈上留下深深的伤口。”他指出,冰川湖的爆发导致洪水的“令人担忧的趋势”,而冰川湖的爆发已成为“高风险的增加因素”。世界许多地方。”
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GENEVA (AP) — The United Nations weather agency says this summer will go down for leaving a “deep wound” in the cryosphere -- the planet’s frozen parts -- amid a heat wave in the Arctic, shrinking sea ice and the collapse of a leading Canadian ice shelf.
The World Meteorological Organization said Tuesday that temperatures in the Arctic are rising twice as fast as the global average, provoking what spokeswoman Clare Nullis called a “vicious circle.”
“The rapid decline of sea ice in turn contributes to more warming, and so the circle goes on and the consequences do not stay in the Arctic,” Nullis said during a regular U.N. briefing in Geneva.
The weather agency said in a statement that many new temperature records have been set in recent months, including in the Russian town of Verkhoyansk. The town, located in Siberia above the Arctic Circle line, reached 38 degrees Celsius (100 F) on June 20.
“What we saw in Siberia this year was exceptionally bad, was exceptionally severe,” Nullis said. She noted a heat wave across the Arctic, r ecord-breaking wildfires in Siberia, nearly record-low sea ice extent, and the collapse of one of the last fully intact Canadian ice shelves.
“The summer of 2020 will leave a deep wound on the cryosphere,” the World Meteorological Organization statement said, pointing to a “worrisome trend” of floods resulting from the outburst of glacier lakes that are becoming “an increased factor of high-risk in many parts of the world.”
In late July, an 81-square-kilometer (30-square-mile) section of Canada’s Milne ice shelf broke off, reducing the total area of the ice shelf by 43%, the weather agency said.
The consequences include the loss of a rare ecosystem, possible acceleration of glaciers sliding into the ocean and contributing to sea level rise, and creation of new “drifting ice islands,” it said.
The WMO is preparing to release on Sept. 9 a report on the impact of climate change on the cryosphere.
Follow AP's climate coverage at https://apnews.com/Climate
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