Amy Morin是一位心理治疗师,也是拥有执业临床社工,精神力量教练和国际畅销书作家。
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尽管现代科技发展很快,我们有了抗焦虑的药,但焦虑水平仍在持续飙升。 实际上,美国精神病学协会于2018年进行的一项调查发现,超过一半的美国人都被焦虑困扰。几乎40%的美国人表示,他们一年比一年焦虑。
虽然有些焦虑是正常且健康的(其目的是使您远离危险),但过多的焦虑可能会损害您的生命。 如果您的焦虑情绪过多,甚至可能会影响您的机体功能。 据估计,五分之一的美国人可能患有焦虑症。
高度焦虑可能需要专业干预,但是焦虑程度较低的人可以通过一些小的生活方式的改变来缓解这种情绪。 每个人都可以通过避免生活中的七件事来减轻焦虑。
is a psychotherapist, licensed clinical social worker, mental strength coach, and international bestselling author.
Over half of all Americans struggle with anxiety, and many face difficulty finding ways to cope.
While a little anxiety can be healthy, Morin says that high anxiety can prevent you from performing well at work and cause tension in your personal life.
Here are seven things she recommends cutting down on or cutting out completely.
Despite the many conveniences of modern-day life, not to mention the invention of anti-anxiety medication, anxiety levels still continue to soar. In fact, a 2018 survey conducted by the American Psychiatric Association found that over half of all Americans struggle with anxiety. And almost 40% of Americans said that they are more anxious now than the year before.
While a little anxiety is normal and healthy (its purpose is to keep you safe from danger), too much of it can take a toll on your life. If your anxiety gets too high, it may even interfere with your ability to function. It's estimated that one in fice Americans may have a full-blown anxiety disorder.
High anxiety may require professional intervention, but individuals with lower levels of anxiety may find relief by making a few small lifestyle changes. Here are seven things everyone can cut out of their life to reduce anxiety.
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